Riccardo Manzoni
(Milano Bicocca)
The analysis performed on the data collected by CMS during 2011, has excluded at 95%
CL the possible existence of a SM-like Higgs boson in most of the mass region that has
been explored, except for a window from 110 to 128 Gev/c2
In the search for a light Higgs boson, the di- nal state plays a crucial role, thanks to
its sizeable branching ratio and to the expected relatively low background contaminations.
In addition, couplings to tau leptons are favored in the Minimal Supersymmetric Stan-
dard Model (MSSM), making the di- channel sensitive to BSM Higgs bosons as well.
The production in association with jets, namely the Vector Boson Fusion (VBF) in the
SM and b-quark associated production in the MSSM, presents a better signal-to-background
ratio with respect to the gluon-fusion process, despite the low eciency due to the selection
of the signature jets. The inclusion of these production processes in the combined analysis
considerably improves the sensitivity of the Higgs search of the tau pair nal state.
The CMS results, based on the 2011 Data analysis and corresponding to 4.6 fb1 are
presented and discussed along with the experimental issues related to the reconstruction
of events in associated production processes.
Primary author
Riccardo Manzoni
(Milano Bicocca)