Xinpeng Ma
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
HEPS is a new built 6GeV 4th-gen synchrotron radiation light source and under beam commissioning right now. The phase distribution system includes master oscillator system and phase reference line system. The DDS-based MO generates 499.8MHz and 166.6MHz, then distributes to Linac, booster RF and storage ring RF, beam station, as well as BI electronics clock around the facility. The 499.8MHz reference signals are transfered >400m by phase stablized optical fiber and CW lasers. The 499.8MHz jitter at end point is <36fs(10Hz-1MHz), the phase drift is <120fs(peak-to-peak). The whole reference frequency/phase generation and distribution system will be introduced.
Primary author
Xinpeng Ma
(Institute of High Energy Physics)