We are excited to announce two consecutive workshops, bringing together experts from both the laser and FEL communities to foster an exchange of ideas on photon beam diagnostics:
1. Longitudinal Diagnostics for Photon Beams – November 6-7, 2024
2. Virtual Diagnostics Workshop – November 7-8, 2024
The first workshop, Longitudinal Diagnostics for Photon Beams, will cover diagnostic techniques for photon beams from FELs, synchrotrons, betatron sources, inverse Compton scattering, HHG, and other sources within the EUV to hard X-ray range. We encourage contributions from all participants and aim to facilitate cross-community discussions, with a focus on the following topics:
- Nonlinear optics techniques (e.g., transient reflectivity, cross-correlation methods)
- Gas ionization streaking (e.g., longitudinal or transverse streaking using visible or THz pulses)
- Indirect source reconstruction (e.g., analyzing spent electrons from FELs using deflecting cavities, THz generation)
- Advanced longitudinal diagnostic techniques (e.g., wavefront reconstruction, interferometry, speckle-based methods)
- Data analysis with AI and virtual diagnostics (e.g., using AI to enhance diagnostics, virtual diagnostics for extracting new data)
- Characterization of large bandwidth or partially coherent photon beams (e.g., synchrotron pink beams, plasma accelerator betatron sources, inverse Compton scattering)
The second workshop, Virtual Diagnostics, will focus on AI-driven data analysis and innovative virtual diagnostics techniques. We will focus on how these tools can extract more detailed or alternative diagnostics information from existing photon diagnostics.
In addition to the scientific sessions, we are pleased to offer two social events, sponsored by LEAPS, on the evenings of 6th and 7th November.
Both workshops encourage open dialogue, collaboration, and discussion between the laser and FEL communities.
The event will be held at the INFN National Laboratories of Frascati, from November 6th to 8th, 2024, and participation is free of charge.