28–30 Oct 2024
INFN Frascati National Laboratories
Europe/Rome timezone

Mitigation for a shorted cavity probe at EuXFEL

29 Oct 2024, 16:40
1h 50m
Bldg. 36 Bruno Touschek Auditorium

Bldg. 36 Bruno Touschek Auditorium

Poster Measurement and calibration Poster Session II (Measurement and calibration)


Marco Diomede (DESY)


Since the commissioning of the EuXFEL free electron laser, one of the 784 superconducting cavities of the linac has a short circuit at the probe connector. For this reason, its signal cannot be used for field regulation. Instead, the signal coming from a high order mode (HOM) coupler antenna is included in the vector sum regulation. This cavity shows a direct impact on the beam arrival time profile along the bunch train. In this work, limitations and operational solutions are described.

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