16–20 Feb 2026
Palazzo dei Congressi, Florence, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone
12th International Conference on Isotopes - 12ICI

Scientific Programme

The Conference will seek to emphasize the interdisciplinary aspects in particular dealing with:

. application of isotopes in medicine and life science: subjects related to nuclear medicine for imaging and therapy towards the theragnostic applications, radiopharmaceutical sciences and regulatory considerations;

. special emphasis will be on techniques and applications in Cultural Heritage and Archeometry

. the device and the techniques to study the optimization production of radionuclides for the different application

. the detectors and dosimetry to highlight the safety and security in radionuclides applications with the regulatory consideration. The quality assurance protocols and also the nuclear forensic aspect and applications

. the isotopes both natural and artificial in environment, radioecology and geochemistry

. education and training specially for the young generation of scientist.

  • Isotopes Production and Devices


    Reactor based
    Accelerator based
    Stable Isotopes production
    Other devices

  • Isotope Applications


    Isotope applicatios in:
    Medicine and Life Sciences
    Nuclear Forensics

    A special session will be dedicated to the applications of isotopes in Cultural Heritage and Archeometry.

  • Isotopes in the Environment


    Isotopes in the Environment with a particular deal in
    Isotope Tracers
    Radioactive Waste
    Environmental Methods

  • Policy, Economics, and Global Impact of Isotope Production and Use


    Policy, Economics, and Global Impact of Isotope Production and Use

  • Decommissioning of Production Facilities


    Decommissioning of Production Facilities

  • Security, Safety and Quality Assurance


    Security, Safety, Quality Control and Quality Assurance
    Reference Materials for Nuclear Mass Spectrometry and Nuclear

  • Education


    Education in Nuclear Chemistry and Physics

  • Marie Curie


    Marie Curie Session - THE WOMEN IN NUCLEAR

  • Young Scientist


    The Conference will seek to emphasize young students and researchers

    Participants under 38 years old at the time of the conference can apply in this section with oral or poster presentations.

    The number of orals will be limited and will be encouraged the poster presentations to leave more possibility and time to discuss and interact in front of a poster.

    A Committee will evaluate the best oral presentation and the best poster.

    The criteria will be based on the scientific validity, ability and clarity of presentation, ability to answer the questions of the commission.

    The winners will be awarded during the closing ceremony of the conference.

    We encourage the young participants to present their work as publication in the Special Issue of the JRNC.