The complimentary technical tour, included in the Conference, at the LABEC - Laoratory of Nuclear Techniques INFN will take place on Wednesday February 18, 2026 from 14:00 to 18:30.
The LABEC Laboratory is the INFN (National Institute of Nuclear Physics) ion beam laboratory of nuclear techniques for environmental and cultural heritage researchers. It is dedicated to applications of accelerator-related analytical techniques, based on a new 3MV Tandem accelerator, that greatly improved the performance of existing Ion Beam Analysis (IBA) applications allowing in addition a novel activity of Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS), in particular for 14C dating. The mainly activities are mainly focused on studies of cultural heritage, atmospheric aerosol composition including also application to biology, geology, material science and forensics, ion implantation, tests of radiation damage to components, detector performance tests and low-energy nuclear physics. More information at this link.
The Laoratory is located in the Scientific and Technological Campus of the University of Florence in Sesto Fiorento at about 30 min from the Conference venue. A bus service will take all the delegates to the laboratory and will bring us back to the Conference center at the end of the visit. For a full description of the technical tour, please refer to the tour page here.
Please note: In order to attend the tour, the facility will need to do a pre-screening three weeks prior to the conference, if you are not willing to share your contact details, then you may not be able to attend the Technical Tour.
It will be organized an EXTRA TOUR to INFN Legnaro National Laboratory - LNL in Legnaro (PD) on Friday 20 February 2026.
LNLs Laboratories are one of the four Narional Laboratories of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics - INFN. The main mission of LNLs concerns basic reserch in nuclear physics, nuclear astrophysics studies and interdisciplinary applications of nuclear technologies. Strengths of LNSs are the realization of different kind of accelerators of nuclear particles, the development of detectors of nuclear radiation and the associated technologies. Of particular relevance are the technology transfer activities that exploit the expertises of the laboratories on surface treatment technologies, thin film deposition. With the and, in the future, the production of radioisotopes of medical interest.
With the intallation and the start of operation of B70 Cyclotron of the Best Company the LARAMED (LAboratory of RAdionuclides for MEDicine) project, in the framework of the INFN activities dedicated to life science, now assumes a key role. The aim is to investigate the production methods of innovative radionuclides to be employed in diagnostic and therapeutic medical procedures, mainly for tumours, with next-generation radiopharmaceuticals.
This tour is not included in the Conference registration.
It will be used the fast train from Florence Santa Maria Novella to Padova and than a private bus will take to LNLs and come back. More details will be provided later.
Structured in three streams
• Physical Sciences
• Radiation Physics
• Biomedical Sciences
the training school covers lectures from experts in radiopharmacy, radiochemistry and nuclear physics as well as practical experiments in the nuclear physics and radiochemistry laboratories of COMECER.
This hands-on training school is primarily targeting trainees at undergraduate/graduate students, postdoctoral, and young professionals levels but is also open for anybody who is interested. For hands-on training school participants attendance to the 12ICI is required.
Space is limited to maximum 30 attendees.
Selected participants will be informed via email by the organizing committee.
Accommodation for Training School students will be available.
Make your reservation directly by emailing
This educational event is a great opportunity for industry and academia to interact with highly qualified professionals active in the realm of isotope applications, radiation physics and biomedical sciences. Organizations like yours have the opportunity to highlight the latest technological developments present new and innovative techniques and products to early career professionals interested in using your products and equipment in the future. An academic organization can expose motivated youth to the excellent academic opportunities on your campus.