16–20 Feb 2026
Palazzo dei Congressi, Florence, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone
12th International Conference on Isotopes - 12ICI

This Conference serve as a forum of informal exchange of knowledge for scientists from different subject areas where the use, the production, the investigation or the measurements performed making use of isotopes, radionuclides and nuclear radiation are contributing significantly to the technical progress.

ICI conferences have been held since 1995 (normally every two years). They are organized by the World Council on Isotopes (WCI) and a participating organization to highlight the importance of nuclear science, medicine, and technology in advancing human health and protection of the environment.

The ICI series over the years heve been hosted in:

1st ICI, Beijing, China, 1995
2nd ICI, Sydney, Australia, 1997
3rd ICI, Vancouver, Canada, 1999
4th ICI, Cape Town, South Africa, 2002
5th ICI, Brussels, Belgium, 2005
6th ICI, Seoul, Korea, 2008
7th ICI, Moscow, Russia, 2011
8th ICI, Chicago, USA, 2014
9th ICI, Doha, Qatar, 2017
10th ICI, Kuala Lumpur, 2020
11th ICI, Saskatoon, Canada, 2023
It is time that is hosted in Europe and in particular in Florence, Italy


Palazzo dei Congressi, Florence, Italy
Piazza Ardua, 1, Florence
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The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.