General considerations about virtual diagnostics:
- what are the real beam diagnostics ?
- what is a virtual beam diagnostics ?
- what is NOT a virtual beam diagnostics ?
- what can we gain by virtual beam diagnostics ?
- what are the practical foundations ?
- how can we create virtual diagnostics ?
These slides are intended as starters for the workshop on virtual diagnostics.
This talk will cover a selective summary of recent activities related to virtual spectroscopy and diagnostics at the European XFEL. Virtual diagnostics can complement physical ones by combining information from several sources, thereby profiting from the advantages of each one. To this end, we present the Virtual Spectrometer, which maps data from a low-resolution time-of-flight spectrometer...
Free electron lasers (FEL) play an important role across diverse scientific disciplines. Many experiments can benefit from non-destructive photon diagnostics of provided FEL photon pulses. One method to obtain information about the pulse profile involves analyzing not the photons directly, but rather the energy distribution of the electrons downstream of a undulator [1]. While measuring the...