14 - 24 October 2024
Bertinoro (FC) Italy
The 15th edition of the ESC International School organized by INFN about "Architectures, tools and methodologies for the development of large-scale scientific computing applications", will take place from October 14th to October 24th 2024 at Ce.U.B. in Bertinoro (Forlì-Cesena) in Italy.

The school is primarily aimed at PhD students and young researchers who are actively involved in the development of scientific applications and software tools for research.
The programme includes introductory lectures on current trends in the evolution of processor architectures and parallel programming. This will be followed by more in-depth lectures on advanced programming with C++, efficient use of memory, floating-point computation and programming in a heterogeneous environment, exploiting the potential of multi-threaded computing, GPUs and cluster computing with MPI.
The application for 2024 is closed.
Thank you!