Sep 16 – 19, 2024
Rome, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Explore Rome

Rome is a beautiful city with a lot of historical attractions. Here we suggest some visits in your free time.

The ancient Roman history

  • Colosseo and Fori Romani: The Colosseo is probably the most famous monument of ancient Rome, with its traditional shape famous all around the world.  With a unique ticket, you can visit the "Fori Romani", the collection of ancient squares built by ancient Emperors. Exit at the Colosseo Metro B stop. Ticket online.
  • Thermal baths: Ancient Romans spent most of their time at the thermal baths. Visiting them gives numerous hints on their daily habits. The most famous ones in Rome are "Terme di Diocleziano" (near Termini station) and "Terme di Caracalla" (near Circo Massimo Metro B stop).
  • Pantheon: The temple dedicated to all Roman Gods (and then transformed to a Catholic Church), with the famous hole on the roof, where the legend says it cannot rain inside (fake), and the graves of some Italian Kings and Raffaello artist. It is located in the center.
  • Area Sacra di Largo Argentina: recently reopened to visits, famous for the infamous murder of Giulio Cesare and for most ancient cat colony of the city. Near the city center and the Pantheon (map)
  • Egypt in Rome: Do you know that Romans were big fans of Egyptians? In Rome there is the biggest number of obelisks in the world. Can you find all of them? (We help you here). Also, if you go to the cross between Via del Quirinale e Via delle Quattro Fontane (map), you can see 3 different obelisks from this point. It is the only place in the world where this happens.

Monuments and interesting places

  • Fontana di Trevi: the most famous fountain of the city. Remember to throw a coin in the fountain if you want to come back to Rome (but remember the rules: back to the fountain, use right hand behind your left shoulder). Near the fountain you can see an ancient Domus at the "Vicus Caprarius" (map) and the aqueduct bringing the water inside the shot Rinascente (floor -1). 
  • Altare della Patria: National Monument dedicated to Vittorio Emanuele II, one of Italian Kings, build between 19th and 20th century. The entrance is free and you can have a beautiful view of the city. With a ticket you can enjoy the elevator view and the museum inside. It is located near Colosseo Metro B stop.
  • The Squares: Piazza del Popolo, Piazza di Spagna, Piazza Navona are just among the most famous squares of the city. 
  • Quartiere Coppedè: A small zone in the city designed by Coppedè architect. The variety of the buildings are famous for the architectonic elements, which recall esoterism, history and religion. It is 20 minutes walking from Sapienza.
  • Green parks: If you want to walk amidst the greenery, with the possibility to visit some places, there are various parks you can see: Villa Borghese (Flaminio metro A stop), Villa Torlonia (15 minutes walk from Sapienza), Villa Doria Pamphili (map).
  • Il Ghetto: the jewel in the crown of the Eternal City, the Jewish ghetto of Rome tells a thousand stories: from ancient times to the present day, passing through Jewish persecution, it is a place full of culture and tradition. From the most beautiful monuments to kosher cuisine, everything you need to know about one of the most particular neighborhoods of the capital (34 minutes walk from Termini station, 22 minuts by Busses).


  • Galleria Borghese
    The Galleria Borghese is one of the most famous and prestigious museums in the world. It houses sculptures by Bernini, Canova and other great artists. It is 25 minutes from Roma Termini Station: Metro A to P. Barberini – Buses 83,53,63; (Ticket)  
  • Musei Capitolini
    The museum was the result of the donation of a collection of valuable bronzes by Pope Sixtus IV in 1471 to the citizens of Rome, making them the oldest museums in the world. Transport: 18-25 minutes from Roma Termini Station: Metro B to Colosseo or by buses 170/H, 64, 85.
  • Museo Nazionale di Roma
    The Museo Nazionale Romano is split into four main collections, all found in different buildings; the Baths of Diocletain, the Palazzo Altemps, the Crypta Balbi and lastly, the Palazzo Massimo. This last palace features one of the best archaeological and classical art collections in the world. Tickets: the entrance is valid for the four buildings of the National Roman Museum. Transport: metro stations Repubblica or Termini, line A.
    Buses: C, H, 16, 36, 38, 40, 64, 86, 90, 92, 105, 157, 170, 175, 204, 217, 310, 360, 492, 590, 649, 714 and 910.
  • Palazzo Barberini
    An imposing Baroque building that houses the Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica, the National Gallery of Ancient Art. Commissioned by Pope Urban VIII, the mansion was the most elegant and luxurious villa of the period. Location: Via delle quattro Fontane, 13. Transport: Metro station: Barberini, line A. Buses: 52, 53, 56, 58, 58, 60, 61, 95, 116, 175, 492 and 590. Nearby places: Piazza Barberini (103 m) Our Lady of the Conception (205 m) Santa Maria della Vittoria (400 m) Piazza della Repubblica (536 m) Piazza del Quirinale & Palazzo del Quirinale (544 m).
  • Palazzo Doria Pamphili is the best-known private gallery in Rome. The mansion houses valuable works by great masters such as Raphael, Tiziano, Caravaggio, Brueghel the Elder, Velazquez and Bernini. Location: Via del Corso, 305.
    Transport: Bus stop Piazza Venezia. Buses: 64, 87 and electric bus 119.
  • Museo Nazionale di Castel Sant'Angelo.
    Located a few steps from St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican, at the other end of Sant'Angelo Bridge, stands imposingly the Mausoleum of Hadrian. It is also known as Sant'Angelo Castle, a unique building because it can be considered, at the same time, a monument, an archaeological area, and a museum. Location Lungotevere Castello, 50.
    Timetables: open from Tuesday to Sunday from 9.00 to 19.30 (last admission 18.30). Closed on Mondays. Transport: metro station Lepanto, line A.
  • Musei Vaticani e la Cappella Sistina
    The origin of these museums go back to 1503, the year in which the recently named Pope Julius II donated his private collection. 
    The Sistine Chapel is one of the greatest treasures of the Vatican City of Rome, and of the world in general. It is known as much for its decoration, as for being the temple where popes are chosen and crowned. 
    Location: Viale vaticano,51. Transport Metro station: Cipro-Musei Vaticani, A.

The Vatican

The Vatican is the smallest independent State of the World, and the center of Christianity. It is 5 minutes walking distance from Ottaviano Metro A stop, interesting visits are the Saint Peter's Church, which is free entrance (but you have to pass the metal detector) and the beautiful Vatican Museums (Tickets). NOTE: Avoid to buy tickets from people around the Museum.

Rome is full of Catholic churches, which you can find everywhere. The most famous are: Santa Maria Maggiore (near Termini Station), San Giovanni in Laterano (San Giovanni metro A stop), San Paolo fuori dalle Mura (San Paolo metro B stop). In each of these (and Saint Peter also) you can find one of the "Porta Santa", which are open every 25 years for the Giubileo. Near San Giovanni there is also the "Scala Santa", but be advised you should climb up on your knees!

Other beautiful churches are Sant'Andrea della Valle (map), Sant'Andrea delle Fratte (map), or many others. CURIOSITY: do you know in Rome you can find a fake dome? Try to find it in Sant'Ignazio di Loyola (map).

Artist tours

In Rome numerous famous painters, sculptors and architects have worked. Some of their works are also outside the Museums and you can search for them. Here we give some suggestions.

  • Caravaggio: Apart from Galleria Borghese and Vatican Museum, you can see his paintings also in San Luigi dei Francesi, (map), Santa Maria del Popolo (map), Sant'Agostino (map)
  • Bernini and Borromini: The two most famous architects and sculptors operating in Rome, which where also "rivals". You can find their works almost everywhere. Bernini made the "Colonnato" of San Pietro, the "Fontana dei Fiumi" at Piazza Navona, the "Barcaccia" at Piazza di Spagna, and the "Estasi di Santa Teresa" located in the Santa Maria della Vittoria church. A list of Bernini works in Rome can be find here. Borromini is most known for San Giovanni, Sant'Andrea delle Fratte, Palazzo Spada, and others you can find here.
  • Michelangelo: A famous sculptor, painter, architect. Starting from the Vatican, where you can see San Peter's Dome and the "Pietà" inside, but also the famous "Giudizio Universale" in Sistine Chapel, another famous statue is the "San Peter" in the "San Pietro in Vincoli" church (Colosseo or Cavour metro B stop). A list of Michelangelo works are here.
  • Raffaello: Another famous painter, which you can find at La Farnesina, Santa Maria del Popolo, Santa Maria della Pace or Villa Borghese. See here for more details.