Sep 16 – 19, 2024
Rome, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Poster session

The poster session will take place on Wednesday afternoon, from 16:15 until 18:00 in the internal garden of the Physics Department. Stands for hanging the posters will be available from the morning.

Please note that posters must be vertical, with dimensions being 841 mm wide and 1189 mm high (A0 format).

The LOC has provided two Young Scientist GEMMA2 Awards of 500 EUR (gross of legal withholdings) each to the best poster contributions by skilled young researchers (Master students, Ph.D. students or researchers within their 6 years of Postdoc).

The poster contents will be evaluated by a jury, which will be appointed on September 16th and properly disclosed.
The winners will be announced at the end of the conference.