Pierre Delahaye
(GANIL, Caen Cedex, France)
23/05/2012, 09:00
Production and manipulation of RIB
Charge breeding, which transforms the charge state of ions from 1+ to an n+ charge state, is a key technology for nuclear facilities aiming at reaccelerating Radioactive Ion Beams (RIB’s). It has to meet the following challenges: high charge states for high energies, high efficiency, rapidity and purity.
In the past few years, remarkable progresses were made with the two techniques of charge...
Marilena Tomut
(GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt, Germany)
23/05/2012, 09:30
Production and manipulation of RIB
At FAIR, the production target and the beam catchers at the planned Super-FRS fragment separator will have to withstand large amounts of thermal and mechanical stress. To minimize the energy deposited by heavy ions, graphite, a low-Z material has to be chosen. The properties as well as the structure and dimensional stability of the target and beam catcher material are affected by the...
Alberto Andrighetto
23/05/2012, 10:00
Production and manipulation of RIB
The SPES project at Laboratori di Legnaro of INFN (Italy) is concentrating on the production of neutron-rich radioactive nuclei by the Uranium fission at a rate of 1013 fission/s . The emphasis to neutron-rich isotopes is justified by the fact that this vast territory has been little explored, at exceptions of some decay and in-beam spectroscopy following fission.. The Rare Ion Beam (RIB) will...
Alexander Gottberg
(CERN, CH-1211 Genève 23, Switzerland / Université Bordeaux 1, 351 cours de la libération 33405 Talence Cedex, France)
23/05/2012, 10:20
Production and manipulation of RIB
ISOLDE is known to produce a large variety of more than 1000 radioisotopes of 73 different chemical elements throughout the chart of nuclides. Therefore a number of not less than 30 different target materials are currently in use or under intense development. Especially targets based on uranium and thorium refractory compounds have been at the heart of the ISOL technique since its first...
Bruce Marsh
23/05/2012, 10:40
Production and manipulation of RIB
The Resonance Ionization Laser Ion Source (RILIS) of the ISOLDE radioactive ion beam facility at CERN has been in operation since 1992 and used for the on-line production of ion beams of 27 different elements. The high efficiency, combined with the inherent selectivity of the multi-step resonance ionization process used is essential for many of the experiments conducted at ISOLDE. For this...