Dieter Ackermann
(GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany)
24/05/2012, 11:30
Heavy and superheavy nuclei
The search for the next closed proton and neutron shells beyond 208Pb has yielded a number of exciting results in terms of the synthesis of new elements [1,2,3] at the upper end of the charts of nuclides, in a region of exotic high-Z nuclear matter. In particular, the results obtained at the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions (FLNR) for a rich number of decay patterns for 48Ca induced...
Peter Butler
(University of Liverpool, UK)
24/05/2012, 12:00
Heavy and superheavy nuclei
REX-ISOLDE has a unique capability to provide post-accelerated ISOL beams of heavy radioactive nuclei. I will present the latest results from two experimental programmes to measure electric multipole matrix elements in heavy nuclei, from Coulomb excitation of the beam. In these experiments the Coulex yields of nuclear transitions were measured using the MINIBALL germanium detector array and...