20–25 May 2012
Centro Congressi delle Venezie, Hotel Alexander Palace - Abano Terme (Padova) - Italy
Europe/Rome timezone
Conference Programme now available!

Towards Eurisol

21 May 2012, 16:00
Centro Congressi delle Venezie, Hotel Alexander Palace - Abano Terme (Padova) - Italy

Centro Congressi delle Venezie, Hotel Alexander Palace - Abano Terme (Padova) - Italy

Via Martiri D'Ungheria, 24 35031 Abano Terme (Padova) ph. +39.049.8615111 Fax +39.049.8615199
Oral Future RIB facilities Future RIB Facilities


Yorick Blumenfeld (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland)


In the NuPECC long range plan published in 2010, the construction of the next generation ISOL facility EURISOL was recognized as one of the main long-term priorities for European Nuclear Physics. After a brief review of the results of the EURISOL Design Study, which defined the layout and main components of the facility, this talk will focus on the ongoing initiatives to further the EURISOL concept. The goals and achievements of the following work packages will be presented: • EURISOL Project Office: Oversees and orients the EURISOL related activities • EURISOL User Group: Represents the community backing EURISOL • EURISOL-NET (Network of the ENSAR contract): Disseminates R&D performed at the current large scale facilities and updates the EURISOL physics case through the organization of topical and town meetings • EMILIE (promoted by the NuPNET contract): Conducts R&D on charge breeding methods • TIPHAC (workpackage of the TIARA contract): Designs R&D installations for cryomodules and high power targets • Pb-Bi loop: Construction and beam test of a Pb-Bi loop target. Finally future plans for moving towards EURISOL will be discussed. We acknowledge the financial support of the European Community under the FP6 “Research Infrastructure Action—Structuring the European Research Area” EURISOL DS Project Contract no. 515768 RIDS and the FP7 ENSAR contract no 262010. * On leave from IPN Orsay, France Finally future plans for moving towards EURISOL will be discussed. We acknowledge the financial support of the European Community under the FP6 “Research Infrastructure Action—Structuring the European Research Area” EURISOL DS Project Contract no. 515768 RIDS and the FP7 ENSAR contract no 262010. * On leave from IPN Orsay, France

Primary author

Yorick Blumenfeld (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland)

Presentation materials