The Thomson Scattering System for DTT ( Divertor Test Tokamak) pedestal

22 Oct 2024, 18:05
Poster Diagnostic for Density and Temperature Poster Session B


Dr Francesco Paolo Orsitto (ENEA C R Frascati)


The preliminary design of the Thomson Scattering(TS) system devoted to the measurement of the
electron density and temperature in the pedestal region of DTT ( Divertor Test Tokamak) is
described. The evaluation of the DTT pedestal width based on the presently elaborated models
tested on JET and DIIID leads to a pedestal width Δ=15mm , assuming maximum temperature
Te=20keV and density ne=5 10 20 m -3 . The pedestal region to be measured could be evaluated in
75mm ( 5 times the pedestal width). The geometry considered for the installation of the TS is the
DTT equatorial port #17 : both the laser focusing optics and the collection optics are installed
inside the port , thus realizing a compact backscattering design. The evaluation of numerical
aperture of the collection optics is F#/5 ( optics clear aperture ≈ 20cm , distance of the optics to the
plasma ≈100cm) leading to a feasible spatial resolution on the pedestal δr≈5mm, with accuracy of
10% in the electron temperature measurement and 5% in density measurements. These numbers are
consistent with the measurements technical specifications of the ITER EDGE TS . The number of
the spatial points object of measurement is 75. The minimum laser energy per pulse is 2J at a
100Hz repetition rate . Given the neutron flux evaluated for DTT scenarios, a collection optics
made by rhodium coated molibdenum mirrors can be considered, together with collimating lenses
while the collecting fibres are placed outside the port exit window.

Primary author

Dr Francesco Paolo Orsitto (ENEA C R Frascati)

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