Compact Ion Beam System for Fusion Demonstration

22 Oct 2024, 18:05
Poster Industrial and Cold Plasmas Poster Session B


Dr Alexander Gunn (Alpha Ring International Ltd.)


We demonstrate a compact ion beam device capable of accelerating H+ and D+ ions up to 75 keV energy, onto a solid target, with sufficient beam current to study fusion reactions. The ion beam system uses a microwave driven plasma source to generate ions that are accelerated to high energy with a direct current (DC) acceleration structure. The plasma source is driven by pulsed microwaves from a solid-state radiofrequency (RF) amplifier, which is impedance matched to the plasma source chamber at the S-band frequency in the range of 2.4–2.5 GHz. The plasma chamber is held at high positive DC potential and is isolated from the impedance matching structure (at ground potential) by a dielectric-filled gap. To facilitate the use of high-energy-particle detectors near the target, the plasma chamber is biased to a high positive voltage, while the target remains grounded. A target loaded with deuterium is used to study D-D fusion and a B4C or LaB6 target is used to study p-11B fusion. Detectors include solid-state charged particle detector and a scintillation fast neutron detector. The complete ion beam system can fit on a laboratory table and is a useful tool for teaching undergraduate and graduate students about the physics of fusion.

Primary author

Dr Allan Chen (Alpha Ring International Ltd.)


Dr Alexander Gunn (Alpha Ring International Ltd.) Dr Alfred Wong (Alpha Ring International Ltd.) Mr Benjamin Sigal (Alpha Ring International Ltd.) Mr James Chen (Alpha Ring International Ltd.) Mr Matthew Salazar (Alpha Ring International Ltd.) Dr Nai-Wei Liu (Alpha Ring International Ltd.) Ms Nawar Abdalla (Alpha Ring International Ltd.) Ms Qiong Wang (Alpha Ring International Ltd.) Dr Zhe Su (Alpha Ring International Ltd.)

Presentation materials