Charge eXchange Recombination Spectroscopy (CXRS) diagnostic is widely deployed in fusion experimental devices as an effective method for the local measurement of key parameters such as plasma temperature, rotation velocity and impurity density. Designated to fulfill the requirements for International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) CXRS diagnostic measurements, the RF-DA has developed the High-Etendue Spectrometer (HES)[1]. The HES is based on three large-size transmission holographic diffraction gratings that operate simultaneously in three spectral wavelength ranges to measure Helium, Carbon and Beam emission spectra. As the heating methods, divertor configuration and operation scenario adopted for EAST are similar to those of ITER. The prototype HES was first applied on EAST, and coupled to the EAST CXRS fiber bundles for initial testing. The neon lamp is used to perform the wavelength calibration for the green channel, while the red channel is calibrated with both neon lamp and hydrogen-deuterium standard light sources. The actual linear dispersion is 0.0073nm/pixel for the green channel and 0.0082nm/pixel for the red channel. The carbon spectra and beam emission spectra are measured at EAST by HES, and the calculated plasma parameters are compared with the original reflectance spectrometer measurements and XCS measurements, respectively. Due to the higher etendue, the intensities of the spectral signals measured by HES are several times greater than those of the original spectrometer.