Introduction to experiments on plasma acceleration

22 Oct 2024, 14:35
Talk Diagnostic for High Energy Physics and Plasma Acceleration Diagnostic for High Energy Physics and Plasma Acceleration


Alessandro Curcio (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)


Plasma acceleration is a novel technique for a large variety of applications, including radiation sources of new generation. X-ray sources based on betatron radiation from plasma accelerators hold promise as compact, innovative and highly accessible solutions for radiation users. The key feature that makes these sources unique, lies in the shortness of the pulses delivered, falling in the femtosecond range and paving the way for ultrafast photon science in the X-ray range.
In this work, single-shot temporal characterization of the betatron radiation pulses emitted by fs-long, 100's MeV electron bunches undergoing acceleration and propagating through a plasma wiggler is shown in the soft X-ray domain. The retrieved pulse lengths agree with independent measurements performed in the THz spectral range and with theoretical predictions.

Primary author

Alessandro Curcio (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)

Presentation materials