Simplified t-channel dark matter models serve as a versatile and well-motivated framework for rich dark sectors that are widely studied by ongoing experimental and theoretical efforts. In this work,
we investigate the impact of non-perturbative effects on the dark matter relic abundance for two representative models of this kind of models, focusing on regions of parameter space where...
Majoron-like particle $J$ in the mass range between 1MeV to 10 GeV, which dominantly decays into the standard model (SM) neutrinos, can be constrained from the big-bang nucleosynthesis (BBN). For majoron lifetime ($\tau_J$) smaller than 1sec, the injected neutrinos from the majoron decay heat up the background plasma and it results in the deficit of Helium-4 abundance and enhancement of...
We consider the possibility for Dark Matter (DM) freeze-in occurring at high values of the couplings between the DM and the SM states. Such a possibility requires a reheating temperature of the Universe below the value of the DM mass. Contrary to conventional freeze-in scenarios, the values of the DM couplings required by the correct relic density are within the reach of Direct Detection...
We study the stochastic gravitational wave (GW) background resulting from the strong first-order phase transition (SFOPT) associated with $SU(2)_R\times U(1)_{B-L}$-breaking in the doublet left-right symmetric model (DLRSM). For different values of the symmetry-breaking scale $v_R =20,~30$, and $50$ TeV, we construct the one-loop finite temperature effective potential to explore the parameter...
$U(1)$ extension of the Standard Model (SM) is well motivated, where the charges of SM fermions are fixed by gauge anomaly cancellations and Yukawa interactions. The scientific literature extensively covers the study of vector solutions in which SM fermions are vector-like under new $U(1)_X $ symmetry, allowing the Yukawa structure to remain invariant. On the other hand, chiral solutions in...
Tidal Disruption Event (TDE) is an astrophysical event where stars are tidally disrupted as they pass near a black hole. This event results in a flux of high-energy neutrinos. IceCube data suggests the presence of these neutrinos in TDEs. The emitting region of neutrinos and photons is likely to be located near the central black hole, where the dark matter density may be significantly higher...