1–5 Jul 2024
Bologna, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Limits on heavy neutral leptons, $Z'$ bosons and majorons from high-energy supernova neutrinos

Not scheduled
1h 45m
Aula Giorgio Prodi - San Giovanni in Monte, University of Bologna (Bologna, Italy)

Aula Giorgio Prodi - San Giovanni in Monte, University of Bologna

Bologna, Italy

Piazza S. Giovanni in Monte, 2, 40124 Bologna BO


Kensuke Akita (University of Tokyo)


Light hypothetical particles with masses up to $\mathcal{O}(100)$ MeV can be produced in the core of supernovae. Their subsequent decays to neutrinos can produce a flux component with higher energies than the standard flux. We study the impact of heavy neutral leptons, $Z'$ bosons, in particular $U(1)_{L_\mu−L_\tau}$ and ${\rm U}(1)_{B−L}$ gauge bosons, and majorons coupled to neutrinos flavor-dependently. We obtain new strong limits on these particles from no events of high-energy SN 1987A neutrinos and their future sensitivities from observations of galactic supernova neutrinos.

Related Papers/Preprints 2312.13627

Primary author

Kensuke Akita (University of Tokyo)


Mehedi Masud (Chung-Ang University) Sang Hui Im (IBS-CTPU) Seokhoon Yun (IBS-CTPU)

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