1–5 Jul 2024
Bologna, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

ALP contribution to the Strong CP problem

2 Jul 2024, 16:30
Aula Giorgio Prodi - San Giovanni in Monte, University of Bologna (Bologna, Italy)

Aula Giorgio Prodi - San Giovanni in Monte, University of Bologna

Bologna, Italy

Piazza S. Giovanni in Monte, 2, 40124 Bologna BO


Víctor Enguita-Vileta (Instituto de Física Teórica (IFT UAM-CSIC))


We compute the one-loop contribution to the $\bar \theta$-parameter of an axion-like particle (ALP) with CP-odd derivative couplings. Its contribution to the neutron electric dipole moment is shown to be orders of magnitude larger than that stemming from the one-loop ALP contributions to the up- and down-quark electric and chromoelectric dipolemoments. This strongly improves existing bounds on ALP-fermion CP-odd interactions, and also sets limits on previously unconstrained couplings. The case of a general singlet scalar is analyzed as well. In addition, we explore how the bounds are modified in the presence of a Peccei-Quinn symmetry.

Title of the Poster/Talk Improved nEDM limits on ALP couplings to fermions
Related Papers/Preprints 2403.12133

Primary authors

Belen Gavela (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) Benjamin Grinstein (University of California San Diego) Dr Pablo Quilez Lasanta (University of California San Diego) Víctor Enguita-Vileta (Instituto de Física Teórica (IFT UAM-CSIC))

Presentation materials