Radiation hard and reproducible diamond sensors are fundamental for the development of beam diagnostics instrumentation for accelerators. The quality control of diamond sensors is vital to determine the sensor’s characteristics for dedicated applications. The optical quality control tells the defect level in the diamond material before metallisation while Transit Current Technique (TCT) is...
As part of the ongoing advancements in plasma wake-field technology for particle acceleration within the EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB project, this study investigates the impact of high repetition rate plasma acceleration experiments on plasma sources. Utilizing an established experimental setup for plasma generation through gas-filled discharge capillaries, where plasma formation is achieved by...
Abstract: Proton therapy holds great promise in cancer treatment due to its precise dose conformity and minimal impact on organs at risk (OARs). However, quality assurance remains a challenge amidst the increasing global adoption of proton therapy facilities. Emerging accelerators like LhARA, which deliver high dose rates for the innovative FLASH treatment modality, demand new diagnostic...
Laser-driven plasma-wakefield acceleration has the potential to reduce the size and construction cost of large-scale accelerator facilities, by providing accelerating fields up to three orders of magnitude greater than that of conventional accelerators. However, the parameters of the electron beam and its stability need to be further improved to enable efficient use in many interesting...
All-optical High-energy X-ray (HEX) beam sources based on Inverse Compton scattering constitute a promising alternative to conventional x-ray sources due to their compactness and tunability. The X-rays are obtained through collision between a laser and relativistic electron beams from laser plasma accelerator. Reaching a low bandwidth of HEX is crucial for practical applications: after...
While plasma-based concepts and experiments offer increasingly high acceleration gradients with every new advancement, there is a growing need to develop and implement suitable beam diagnostics. Longitudinal diagnostics are significantly challenging when the bunch length is in the few femtoseconds scale, which is the case for ultra-short electron bunches produced on Plasma Wakefield...
Abstract: The state-of-art generation of high-intensity laser pulses enables the construction of a particle accelerator with accelerating gradients on the order of hundreds of GV/m. Through laser-plasma interaction and the charge dynamics within the resultant plasma wave structure, high-amplitude accelerating and focusing electric fields are formed [1]. These enable electron beams to be...
EuPRAXIA stands for “European Plasma Research Accelerator with eXcellence In Applications”. It's a collaborative project aimed at developing a compact, cost-effective particle accelerator based on plasma technology. This initiative involves researchers and institutions across Europe working together to advance the field of accelerator science. EuPRAXIA aims to produce a new generation of...
Plasma Wakefield Acceleration is a widely adopted technique able to increase the accelerating gradient and overcome the electrical breakdown phenomena, occurring in metallic structures, while reducing the size and the cost of conventional Radio-Frequency (RF) accelerators.
Plasma-based accelerators are capable of intrinsically generating betatron radiation emitted by accelerated electrons....