Apr 22 – 26, 2024
Orto Botanico di Roma
Europe/Rome timezone

Several tens of thousands of particle accelerators are in use today with varied applications in research, industry, medicine and other fields. Yet accelerator usage could be much more widespread, were it not limited by cost and size constraints, especially in hospitals, universities, and small and medium size companies. This would enable ground-breaking applications and innovations on a much larger scale.

A possible solution to this bottleneck is the development of more compact – and consequently more cost-efficient – accelerator technologies, a strategy that has been investigated in the past two decades bringing forth plasma accelerators as one of its most promising candidates.

Image credit: Alberto Martinez de la Ossa

This interdisciplinary school will bring together all research areas within EuPRAXIA-DN and will be held in the 'Eternal City' Rome in Italy from 22-26 April 2024. Lectures and topical talks will be presented by research leaders from academia and industry.

The school will be hosted in partnership with INFN and Sapienza University of Rome with strong support from the University of Liverpool/Cockcroft Institute. It'll introduce the basic principles of plasma accelerators, including basic plasma physics, laser- and beam-driven acceleration, plasma injection schemes, plasma and beam diagnostics, particle-in-cell codes, as well as specific high impact projects, including EuPRAXIA and AWAKE. Tutorial sessions in smaller problem classes will reinforce content and promote discussion. All participants will be given the opportunity to present their own research in a poster session.

Social events, seminars on the history and technology of plasma accelerators, and an excursion to INFN-LNF will complement the programme. 



Registration deadline: 29th February 2024

Payment deadline: 15th March 2024

This project has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 101073480 and the UKRI guarantee funds.


Organizing Committee   
Andrea Mostacci   
Catia Conti   
Anna Rita Ciamarra  
Giorgio Delzeri  
Giorgia Masi   
Carsten Welsch   
Minh Cao    
Alexandra Welsch

Orto Botanico di Roma
Botanical Garden of Rome Museum of Sapienza University of Rome Largo Cristina di Svezia 24 00165 Roma, RM
Go to map

Registration fee £480  

The fee includes: All training materials, coffee breaks and lunches (Monday - Thursday), welcome reception on Monday evening, formal dinner on Thursday evening and excursion to INFN-LNF on Wednesday.



Several scholarships for early stage researchers from outside of the EuPRAXIA Doctoral Network will be available. 

Application deadline for scholarships: 15th February 2024