27–31 May 2024
University of Pavia
Europe/Rome timezone

Helicity and OAM at Low-x: an Exact Solution for Revised Helicity Evolution and the Small-x Asymptoics of OAM Distributions

27 May 2024, 14:30
Aula Foscolo (University of Pavia)

Aula Foscolo

University of Pavia

Strada Nuova 65, 27100 Pavia (PV)


Yuri Kovchegov (The Ohio State University) Yuri Kovchegov (The Ohio State University)


We present an exact analytic solution of the revised large-$N_c$ small-$x$ helicity evolution equations derived recently. We find the corresponding small-$x$ asymptotics of the flavor-singlet helicity PDFs to be
\Delta \Sigma (x, Q^2) \sim \Delta G (x, Q^2) \sim \left( \frac{1}{x} \right)^{\alpha_h}
with the intercept given by an exact analytic expression which numerically evaluates to $\alpha_h \approx 3.661 \sqrt{\tfrac{\alpha_s N_c}{2 \pi}}$. This appears to slightly disagree with the results of Bartels at al from 1996, where the intercept at large $N_c$ is given by a different analytic expression, evaluating to $\alpha_h \approx 3.664 \sqrt{\tfrac{\alpha_s N_c}{2 \pi}}$. We also obtain the all-order small-$x$ and large-$N_c$ polarized anomalous dimension $\Delta \gamma_{GG} (\omega)$ and demonstrate that it agrees with the existing finite-order results up to the three known loops.

We then turn our attention to the orbital angular momentum (OAM) distributions. We derive new small-$x$ evolution equations needed to extract small-$x$ asymptotics of OAM distributions. Solving these equations we obtain
L_{q + {\bar q}} (x, Q^2) \sim L_G (x, Q^2) \sim \left( \frac{1}{x} \right)^{\alpha_h}
with the same intercept as for the helicity PDFs.

Primary authors

Mr Brandon Manley (The Ohio State University) Mr Jeremy Borden (The Ohio State University) Yuri Kovchegov (The Ohio State University) Yuri Kovchegov (The Ohio State University)

Presentation materials