15–17 Jul 2024
Hotel Continental Ischia
Europe/Rome timezone

Instrumentation for mobile measurement in thunderstorms

16 Jul 2024, 15:15
Hotel Continental Ischia

Hotel Continental Ischia

via M. Mazzella 70 80077 Ischia (NA)


Martin Kákona


In this speech, we will demonstrate the instrumentation used for measuring phenomena related to thunderstorms and discuss some important results from our measurements. Over the years dedicated to thunderstorm measurement, we have had to repeatedly revise our instrumentation as the characteristics of lightning proved significantly different from our initial assumptions. If logistics allow, I plan to transport the measuring vehicle by ferry to the conference venue, providing an opportunity to showcase the instruments firsthand. Regardless, I will present how lightning truly appears and how its representation varies across different devices.

Primary author


Jakub Kákona (Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences) Roman Dvořák (Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences) Iva Ambrožová (Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences) Olena Velichko (Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences) Ondřej Ploc (Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences) Jakub Šlegl (Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences) Marek Sommer (Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences) Vít Hanousek (Institute of Information Theory and Automation of the Czech Academy of Sciences)

Presentation materials