Energy Dependence of Angular-Driven Flavor Instabilities in Dense Astrophysical Environments

18 Jun 2024, 17:30
Near Aula Magna (U6 building) (University of Milano-Bicocca)

Near Aula Magna (U6 building)

University of Milano-Bicocca

Piazza dell’Ateneo Nuovo 1, Milano, 20126
Poster Astrophysical neutrinos Poster session and reception 1


Pedro Dedin Neto (University of Campinas, Niels Bohr Institute)


In core-collapse supernovae and neutron star mergers, the neutrino density is so large that neutrino-neutrino refraction can lead to collective flavor conversions independent of vacuum mixing. These are called fast flavor conversions since the neutrino self-interaction strength $\mu$ represents the characteristic time scale of the system. In the limit of vanishing vacuum mixing, one necessary condition for these conversions is the existence of a zero-crossing in the momentum angular distribution of neutrino FLN (Flavor Lepton Number). However, it has been empirically realized that the vacuum frequency $\omega$ can significantly affect the onset of flavor conversion even if $\mu \gg \omega$. In this work, we study more deeply the impact of $\omega$ on angular-driven flavor instabilities. Focusing on a homogeneous and axially symmetric neutrino gas, we show that a non-zero vacuum frequency is responsible for inducing flavor instabilities with a non-negligible growth rate in a neutrino gas that would be stable for $\omega=0$, despite the presence of a FLN angular zero-crossing. Relying on a perturbative approach, we establish a connection between odd powers of $\omega$ and the neutrino FPN (Flavor Particle Number) angular distribution, showing that flavor conversion dynamics under $\omega \neq 0$ are influenced by both FLN and FPN. We also explore the possibility of mapping the system with $\omega\neq0$ to an effective one with $\omega=0$.

Poster prize Yes
Given name Pedro
Surname Dedin Neto
First affiliation University of Campinas
Second affiliation Niels Bohr Institute
Institutional email
Gender Male

Primary author

Pedro Dedin Neto (University of Campinas, Niels Bohr Institute)


Irene Tamborra (Niels Bohr Institute) Dr Shashank Shalgar (Niels Bohr Institute)

Presentation materials