18–21 Jun 2024
Trani - Italy
Europe/Rome timezone
XI edition - 50 years of the charm quark

Holographic renormalized Entanglement and entropic $c-$function

18 Jun 2024, 17:30
Talk Session 4


Mitsutoshi Fujita (University of South China)


We compute holographic entanglement entropy (EE) and the renormalized EE in AdS solitons with gauge potential for various dimensions. The renormalized EE is a cutoff-independent universal component of EE. Via Kaluza-Klein compactification of $S^1$ and considering the low-energy regime, we deduce the $(d-1)$-dimensional renormalized EE from the odd-dimensional counterpart. This corresponds to the shrinking circle of AdS solitons, probed at large $l$. The minimal surface transitions from disk to cylinder dominance as $l$ increases. The quantum phase transition occurs at a critical subregion size, with renormalized EE showing non-monotonic behavior around this size. Across dimensions, massive modes decouple at lower energy, while degrees of freedom with Wilson lines contribute at smaller energy scales.

Primary author

Mitsutoshi Fujita (University of South China)


Mr Song He (Jilin University) Mr Yuan Sun (Cental South University) Mr Jun Zhang (University of Alabama)

Presentation materials