18–21 Jun 2024
Trani - Italy
Europe/Rome timezone
XI edition - 50 years of the charm quark

Participation fee

The participation fee for QCD@Work 2024 is: 

 330 (€ 230 for PhD students) - if paid before April 30, 2024

 380 (€ 280 for PhD students) - if paid after April 30, 2024

(22% VAT is included). 

The participation fees are handled by the Meetings and Events Agency Intermeeting Sud s.r.l. strada Vicinale Torre di Mizzo 9, 70126 Bari, tel: +39 0805482005 email: info@intermeetingsud.com This agency is in charge of the workshop organization.



The fee payment method depends on these three cases:

  • standard participant 
  • participant on INFN funds
  • participant using funds of other Italian Institution that requires “split payment”


This applies to non-Italian participants and to participants of Italian Institutions not requiring "split payment".


Please proceed with the payment through Bank Transfer (with bank expenses on your side) at the bank address indicated below. 

A fiscal receipt will be issued for every fee paid. Fiscal receipts will be addressed to the registered participant and will be available at the registration desk.

In case you need an invoice addressed exclusively to your Institute, you are kindly asked to send an email to info@intermeetingsud.com, specifying the exact name and address of your Institute as well as tax information (VAT ID number).


Data for Bank Transfer 

Bank NameBNL
Reference:Your Name and Surname fee for QCD@Work 2024

We kindly ask you to send a copy of the bank transfer by email to info@intermeetingsud.com adding in cc workshop.qcd@ba.infn.it for our reference.


If you are a participant on INFN funds, the payment can be done directly from your Section/Laboratory, after the issue of an invoice from the Intermeeting Sud agency. Alternatively, each participant can pay the fee by themself without the 22% (quota imponibile), by bank transfer to the Agency (at the above bank data), and the Agency will issue the invoice to the Section/Laboratory for the split payment.

The quota imponibile is, in the various cases:

 270,49 for the early bird fee of € 330 

 188,53 for the reduced early bird fee of € 230 for PhD students


 311,48 for the full fee of € 380 

 229,51 for the full fee of € 280 for PhD students.


In order to proceed to the invoice issuance, please send an email to info@intermeetingsud.com adding in cc the administrative contact of your Section/Laboratory and workshop.qcd@ba.infn.it with the subject: Participation fee of “your name to QCD@Work 2024, specifying in the body:

  1. Name of Section/Laboratory
  2. Name of the participant
  3. If PhD student
  4. Other requirements

The Intermeeting Sud agency will promptly get in touch with the administrative contact person, to find out the payment procedure requested by your Section. 

Please notice that payment by “Storno interno fra sezioni” is not possible.


If you participate to the conference using funds of Italian Institutions other than INFN (e.g. PhD Schools, your University Department, Ministry of University, …), please send an email to info@intermeetingsud.com adding in cc the administrative contact of  your Institution and workshop.qcd@ba.infn.it with the subject:

participation fee of “your name to QCD@Work 2024, specifying in the body

  1. Your Institution Name
  2. Address of the Institution with email contact
  3. Name and email of the responsible of the funds
  4. If you are a PhD student
  5. Eventually other requirements

The Intermeeting Sud agency will apply for the payment directly to your Institution.