Fragmentation of heavy quarks into heavy-flavoured hadrons receives both perturbative and non-perturbative contributions. We consider perturbative QCD corrections to heavy quark production in $e^+e^-$ collisions to next-to-next-to-leading order accuracy in QCD with next-to-next-to-leading-logarithmic resummation of quasi-collinear and soft emissions.
We study multiple matching schemes, and...
We report progress on the Heavy-Flavor Non-Relativistic Evolution (HF-NRevo) setup, a novel methodology to address the quarkonium formation within the fragmentation approximation. Our analysis addresses the moderate to large transverse-momentum regime, where the production mechanism based on the leading-twist collinear fragmentation from a single parton is expected to prevail over the...
We present a study on single heavy baryons' spectra and strong decay widths. The masses of single heavy baryons up to the D-wave are calculated within a constituent quark model, employing the three-quark and quark-diquark schemes. In this contribution, we discuss the possible assignment of the recently discovered $\Omega_c^0(3327)$, $\Lambda_b(6146)^0$, $\Lambda_b(6152)^0$, $\Xi_b(6327)^{0}$,...
We present the first theoretical calculation of nonfactorizable charm-quark loop contributions to the $B_s\to \gamma\, l^+l^-$ amplitude. This contribution involves the $B$-meson three-particle Bethe-Salpeter amplitude, $\langle 0|\bar s(y)G_{\mu\nu}(x)b(0)|\bar B_s(p)\rangle$, for which we take into account constraints from analyticity and continuity. We calculate the relevant form factors,...
The substructure of bottom quark jets is of substantial interest both in terms of understanding radiation emitted from heavy quarks, where mass effects are important, as well as in the study of decays of massive (known and sought) particles into heavy quarks. Unfortunately, the decays of b hadrons, which are typically cascading, obscure the parton level branching, by filling the radiative dead...
In this talk, we discuss hadronic jets that are tagged as heavy-flavoured, i.e. they contain either beauty or charm. In particular, we consider heavy-flavour jets that have been groomed with the Soft Drop algorithm. In order to achieve a deeper understanding of these objects, we apply resummed perturbation theory to jets initiated by a massive quark and we
perform analytic calculations for...
In this talk I will present our research activity on jets substructure with heavy flavour. Our primary goal is to obtain a more profound understanding of these objects. To this end, we employ resumed perturbation theory tailored specifically for jets initiated by heavy quarks. Furthermore, we will present analytical calculations targeting various observables that characterise jets, including...
Understanding the behaviour of heavy quarks is important for painting a coherent picture of QCD, both formally and phenomenologically, and the upcoming runs at the LHC will provide unprecedented statistics for precision measurements related to heavy flavor. A natural object for initiating these studies are Energy Correlators, which measure correlations of energy flow at collider experiments....
The development of iterative declustering techniques has brought the ability to reconstruct the jet tree and access the building blocks of the QCD parton shower. The iterative declustering of an angular-ordered jet allows to access the kinematic properties and mass effects at the level of each individual emission. In order to expose mass effects in heavy flavor-tagged jets, we study the...