
Registration to BOOST 2024

Registration is open
Deadline 5 Jul 2024
Contact info

Registration fee

  • Registration fee: 230 euro
The registration fee includes:
  • Attendance at all workshop sessions
  • Coffee/Tea breaks
  • Welcome drink and Social dinner

Exemption from VAT (which amounts to an extra 22%) will be available for members of the association Science is Cool (SCOOL), a non-profit cultural association that promotes educational activities and scientific events. More information are available here .

Registration procedure

BOOST 2024 benefits from the collaboration with Associazione Science is Cool (SCOOL). If you intend to profit from the VAT-free registration fee, at the same time as filling out the indico registration form, you must also subscribe to SCOOL. In the unfortunate case of cancellation of the event, refunding will be guaranteed only to those subscribed to SCOOL.

  1. Apply for SCOOL membership (single annual fee of 2 €), by visiting the site You will then receive your SCOOL number (association identifier).

  2. Fill the indico registration form below, indicating if you subscribed to SCOOL by selecting the corresponding checkbox and providing your SCOOL number.

The registration to the conference will be acknowledged by an e-mail containing the payment instructions.

Please note that the official payment document will be addressed to the person/company/institution that will make the payment. The VAT exemption is regulated by the ex art.4 DPR 633/72. If you have any doubts, before proceeding with the payment, contact

The applicant should be aware that when registering for this conference they give their consensus to publish their name and affiliation in the program and badge, according to GDPR Regulation (EU) 2016/679.

If you prefer not to subscribe to SCOOL, skip Step 1 and complete Step 2. The total amount to be paid in this case for completing the registration will be the fee indicated above plus 22% VAT.

Registration deadline

Submission of new registrations to the conference or modification of existing registrations will be possible until the registration is open. After that date, please contact the conference organizing committee at

Participation in this event is moderated
The organisers will have to approve your application.