Heavy flavour jet substructure for heavy ion collisions

30 Jul 2024, 12:00
Palazzo Ducale (Genova, Italy)

Palazzo Ducale

Genova, Italy

Talk Heavy Ions QCD


Chang Wu (Technion)


In this talk, we will present a theoretical framework for studying heavy flavor jet substructure for dense QGP medium based on the factorised picture between vacuum-like and medium-induced radiations, based on arXiv:2312.15560 and ongoing works. We studied the $z_g$ distribution for heavy flavor, i.e. bottom and charm quark, jets propagating through the dense QCD medium. However, unlike the previous study in the BDMPS-Z framework, which takes $\omega\ll\omega_{c}$ limit, and leads to a simplified and factorised formula for the spectrum, we use the full expression. In the end, the expanding medium extension and some preliminary results will be introduced briefly.

Primary authors

Prof. Boris Blok (Technion) Chang Wu (Technion)

Presentation materials