26 May 2024 to 1 June 2024
La Biodola - Isola d'Elba (Italy)
Europe/Rome timezone

ToASt : a 64-channel ASIC for the readout of the Silicon Strip Detectors of the PANDA experiment

31 May 2024, 17:40
Sala Maria Luisa

Sala Maria Luisa

Oral T7 - Electronics and On-Detector Processing Electronics and On-Detector Processing - Oral session


Giovanni Mazza (INFN - Torino)


The design of the Micro Vertex Detector (MVD) for the PANDA experiment is optimized for the detection of secondary vertices and maximum acceptance close to the interaction point. The MVD consists of a 4-layer barrel section, placed around the interaction point, and a 6-disks forward section, located in the forward position. The outermost layers of the MVD will be equipped with double sided Silicon Strip Detectors (SSDs).
The SSD electronic readout must provide both the spatial position and the energy deposited by the impinging particles. Moreover, since PANDA is a triggerless experiment, each event must be tagged with its time of arrival (ToA).
In order to cope with these requirements a 64-channel dedicated ASIC, named ToASt, has been designed and tested. Each channel includes a charge-sensitiveamplifier, a current mode shaper, a linear time over threshold (ToT) stage and double threshold discrimination. A 12-bit time stamp is distributed to allchannels; its value at the two edges of the output comparator is stored, thus providing both ToA and ToT. The two values are immediately readout by a digital interface, formatted in 32-bit words and transmitted via two 160 MS/s serial links.
ToASt is designed in a commercial 110 nm CMOS technology. The die size is
4.4$\times$3.2 mm$^2$; the input pads are located on one side of the die while all other pads are on the opposite side, thus allowing multiple dies being placed very close to each other. The digital logic has been triplicated for Single-Event Upset (SEU) protection.
ToASt has been extensively tested in laboratory standalone and connected to a detector, showing excellent performances. It has also been used in a beam test at the COSY facility in Juelich. Radiation tolerance tests for total dose and SEU have also been performed.

Collaboration PANDA-FairNet
Role of Submitter The presenter will be selected later by the Collaboration

Primary authors

Andreas Kopmann (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie) Daniela Calvo (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare) Fabio Cossio (INFN -Torino) Mrs Francesca Lenta (Politecnico di Torino) Giovanni Mazza (INFN - Torino) Hans-Georg Zaunick (Justus-Liebig-Universitat Giessen) Jürgen Becker (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie) Kai Lukas Unger (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie) Kai-Thomas Brinkmann (II. Physikalisches Institut, JLU Giessen, Germany) Lukas Tomasek (Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague) Marvin Peter (Justus-Liebig-Universitat Giessen) Michele Caselle (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) Nils Tröll (Justus-Liebig-Universitat Giessen) Olena Manzhura (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie) Paolo De Remigis (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare) Pavel Staněk (Czech Technical University) Richard James Wheadon (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare) Tobias Stockmanns (Jülich Forschungszentrum) Vladimir Sidorenko (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie)

Presentation materials