26 May 2024 to 1 June 2024
La Biodola - Isola d'Elba (Italy)
Europe/Rome timezone

A versatile and fast pixel matrix read-out architecture for MAPS

31 May 2024, 08:31
3h 59m
Sala Elena

Sala Elena

Poster T7 - Electronics and On-Detector Processing Electronics and On-Detector Processing - Poster session


Jean Soudier (IPHC)


Monolithic active pixel sensors are considered for vertex or tracking detectors
of a large variety of particle physics experiments. Consequently, the design of
pixel matrices faces a wide range of specifications. That impacts in particular
the matrix read-out strategy, which is highly constrained in terms of power
consumption, layout area, time-stramping ability, and hit rate. Asynchronous
logic, an emerging ASIC design technique, seems promising in this respect, being
naturally data-driven and power-sparing.
We have developed a pixel matrix read-out architecture based on the local
interconnection of asynchronous N:1 arbiters with fixed priority. This architec-
ture is not limited by global signals and can achieve high bandwidth with a
fully column-parallel stream. Layouts of the required digital logic for a double
column were completed in the 65 nm CMOS imaging process currently explored
by the ALICE-ITS3 and CERN-EP R&D WP1.2 projects, for various combina-
tions of pixel pitch (18 to 30 μm), column depth (512 to 1024 pixels) and arbiter
size (2:1 to 1024:1).
This contribution presents the matrix read-out performances obtained from
post-layout simulations, assuming either a continuous hit-rate or hit bursts
clocked at 40 MHz, having in mind potential applications to HL-LHC experi-
ments (ALICE3 or LHCb phase 2 upgrade), Belle II long term upgrade and a
future high-energy leptonic collider like FCCee. Results explore the architecture
benefits in terms of area, power consumption, and timing. Especially we ad-
dress the feasibility of 18 μm pixel pitch with dissipation below 10 mW/cm2, the
maximum hit-rate allowing to time-stamp hits within 25 ns with an efficiency
of 99.9% and the evolution of the energy/hit/surface figure of merit with var-
ious configurations. Other aspects discussed include very small pitches (15μm
or less), the possibility of integrating such readout in a stitched sensor and a
discussion about radiation hardness.

Role of Submitter I am the presenter

Primary author

Jean Soudier (IPHC)


Mr Abdelkader Himmi (IPHC) Mr Anthony Krieger (ICube) Mr Foudil Dadouche (ICube) Mr Frédéric Morel (IPHC) Mr Grégory Bertolone (IPHC) Mr Hung Pham (IPHC) Mrs Isabelle Valin (IPHC) Mr Jean-Baptiste Kammerer (ICube) Mr Wilfried Uhring (ICube) Mr Xiaochao Fang (IPHC) jerome Baudot (IPHC - IN2P3)

Presentation materials