September 27, 2023 to October 2, 2023
Hotel Hermitage, La Biodola, Isola d'Elba
Europe/Rome timezone


The Registration Form is now available.

To register an INFN Indico Account is required. If you do not have one, please create your personal account by following the link "External Users" available in the prompt window that appears when you start the registration process. 
The LiteBIRD organizing secretariat will take care of the Hotel reservation.

The registration fee will include bus transportation from Rome and Firenze airports to the Collaboration Meeting site and vice versa (see Travel Information), coffee breaks, lunches, meeting material and social events:

Early registration fee   400,00€   payment by September 10th 
Full Registration fee   500,00€   payment after September 10th and on-site 

Cancellation Policy

Deadlines for the refund of the registration fee paid are:

By September 10th                               Full refund (100%)
By September 21stHalf refund (50%)
From September 22ndNo refund (0%)

NOTE: The payment of the registration fee is different for INFN and NON-INFN participants.

The payment of the registration fee will be done by the internal INFN procedure detailed below.
Instructions to fill in the "Modulo Missioni INFN": people travelling on INFN funds DO NOT have to fill the "Conference fee" section in the online INFN Travel Expenses Form (Modulo Missione). Instead, they will have to indicate, in the field Ulteriori Note of the above mentioned Form, that the conference fee will be paid by internal procedure ("La conference fee verrà pagata tramite storno fra sezioni").

Please, refer to the following link: Payment Registration Form 

The registration desk will open on Wednesday, September 27 at  5:00 pm.