WG2: Laser technology (WP6 - Task2)
- Leonida Antonio Gizzi (CNR - INO, and INFN - Sez. di Pisa)
- Gilles Cheriaux (Institut de Physique de Nice)
WG2: Laser technology (WP6 - Task2)
WG2: Laser technology (WP6 - Task2)
- Leonida Antonio Gizzi (CNR - INO, and INFN - Sez. di Pisa)
The Zettawatt Equivalent Ultrashort pulse laser System (ZEUS) is a National Science Foundation-funded user facility housed at the University of Michigan. The laser will be capable of producing 3-Petawatt pulses, or may be split to create synchronized 2.5-PW and 0.5-PW pulses. The first user experiments are due to begin in late 2023. This presentation will describe the different capabilities of...
L1 ALLEGRA system has been regularly and reliably operating for user experiments offering over 20 weeks of user beamtime per year. The laser generates 15 fs pulses with energy of up to 50 mJ and repetition rate of 1 kHz. Since the laser is completely based on OPCPA pumped by 3 ps pulses, it has inherently very high picosecond temporal contrast. The output pulse energy is limited by the...
We will present the latest results obtained on ELI ALPS (700TW @ 10Hz) which is up to now the TiSa ultrashort system wih the highest average power.
We will then show the main developments that we are following to increase the average power of Petawatt systems. We will mainly focus on the different solutions proposed to overcome the thermal issues induced by the increase of the repetition...
The laser system “Bivoj” built on “DiPOLE” cryogenically cooled multi-slab technology (150J / 10Hz / 10ns) has been enhanced by a conversion module for second harmonic frequency generation (95J/10Hz @515nm) with 79% conversion efficiency. This allows the laser to be used as a pump source for short pulse beamlines (CPA or OPCPA) that can be used for efficient particle acceleration. Achieving...
Scaling current ultrashort/ultraintense laser technology, based on Nd-pumped TiSa amplifiers, to the rep-rate and average power required for future laser-driven electron accelerators is ultimately hindered by wall plug efficiency. One of the paths currently pursued to overcome the limits of TiSa technology is based on the usage of long ($\sim\mathrm{ms}$) upper state lifetime materials that...
Diode laser pumps are a critical technology for advanced accelerators based on plasma acceleration, and essential system components when higher repetition rate operation is needed. They are a significant cost element in larger systems, and there is only a limited number of commercial suppliers who can support the needs of emerging systems and applications.
An overview of progress in research...
Multi-pulse laser plasma wakefield accelerators (MP-LWFA) provide an alternative way towards compact and kiloherz (kHz) operation of Gigavolts (GeV) electron acceleration for advanced light sources and future particle accelerators. The aim of this research is to understand whether or not spectral and temporal structures of pico-second (ps) long multi-pulses can be characterised with the latest...
EuPRAXIA is the first European project that develops a dedicated particle accelerator research infrastructure based on novel plasma acceleration concepts and laser technology and one of the projects on the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) Roadmap of 2021. The EuPRAXIA preparatory phase project is now underway, with the beam driven site at LNF-INFN in Frascati under...
The possibilities for experimental research on laser-particle acceleration strongly depend on the available laser and laboratory infrastructure. The Helmholtz-Institute Jena and the Institute of Optics and Quantum Electronics in Jena, Germany, currently operate two individual high-power laser systems (JETI and POLARIS), which differ in their laser parameters. In the future, these two laser...
Here we give a brief overview of the development of DPSSL-based high-average power laser drivers for plasma accelerators in CLF. We will describe the design of the Extreme Photonics Applications Centre (EPAC): a unique facility dedicated for the exploitation of the applications of plasma accelerators. Future upgrade paths for EPAC, especially in repetition rate, would be discussed.
The kilohertz Plasma Accelerator Consortium (kPAC) is developing GeV-scale, laser-driven plasma accelerators, utilizing highly efficient, diode-pumped lasers with kHz repetition rate. The concept is based on the plasma-modulated plasma accelerator (P-MoPA). In such an accelerator, a joule-class pulse with picosecond duration is first spectrally modulated by the wake of a second,...
Pulsed laser sources have a plethora of applications, many of which require or benefit from high average power. This presentation gives an overview of modern laser and optics development at the Fraunhofer ILT in Aachen for various applications in industry, energy, health, and science. These include robust laser systems tailored for space applications, the upscaling of femtosecond lasers to the...
In this presentation I shall review recent developments in laser technology for high average power drivers for LWFA, concentrating on coherent combination of fibre systems. This shows great promise for achieving high repetition rate, high power pulses with wall plug efficiencies in the tens of percent. I shall also outline plans for LWFA experiments at the upgraded CLARA facility at the...
Joule-class femtosecond lasers are being developed to increase repetition rates from current values of a few Hertz to kiloHertz rates and beyond with multi-kW average power. This is critical to enable precision feedback and control required to make the next steps in performance and to enable applications of accelerators, photon sources and future particle colliders. Coherent combination of...
Laser plasma accelerators have seen an incredible development over the 2 past decades, leading to production of high electron energy close to 10 GeV. Both performance and reliability can be further improved thanks to the latest generation multi-PW lasers like the 10 PW laser of ELI-NP having performed its first shots on target few months ago. Data about pulse measurements at focal spot will be...
Ultrashort pulse laser systems operational in large scale facilities like ELI are heavily booked for secondary source developments and user experiments. The requirement for scientific and technological developments related to high average power laser-matter interactions, like target systems, diagnostics, etc., calls for frequent experimental testing with appropriate laser sources.
Ultrahigh-intensity lasers and laser-driven particle accelerators made rapid progress towards becoming commercial tools. [Tau Systems Inc.][1] is working to bring laser-plasma acceleration into the commercial sphere by leveraging expertise in laser physics, laser-driven plasma, conventional accelerators, and data science. Major challenges facing future LWFA-based commercial systems are...
The Extreme Light in Intensity, Time, and Space (X-lites) Network promotes collaboration around the world to make use of new extreme light facilities. X-lites was founded in 2022 with three goals: 1. To promote collaboration across the global community of laser facility users and operators, 2. To broaden engagement across diverse scientific fields and with next generation research leaders, and...
The LEAP/HORIZON project at CELIA in Bordeaux aims to develop new laser amplification technologies, suitable for the next generation of compact chirped-pulse amplification lasers, with high repetition rate and high average power, at or beyond the kiloWatt landmark, with Joule-level interaction pulses – a range of parameters in energy and repetition rate of interest for laser-wakefield electron...