Beam parameter optimization in accelerators involves multiple, sometimes competing objectives. Condensing these individual objectives into a single figure of merit unavoidably results in a bias towards particular outcomes. Finding an optimal objective definition then requires operators to iterate over many possible objective weights and definitions, a process that can take many times longer than the optimization itself. A more versatile approach is multi-objective optimization, which establishes the trade-off curve usually referred to as Pareto front between objectives. In this talk, I present the first results on multi- objective multi-fidelity Bayesian optimization of a simulated and experimental laser-plasma accelerator. We find that multi-objective optimization reaches comparable performance to its single-objective counterparts while allowing for instant evaluation of entirely new objectives. This dramatically reduces the time required to find appropriate objective definitions for new problems. Additionally, our multi-objective, multi-fidelity method reduces the time required for an optimization run by an order of magnitude. It does so by dynamically choosing simulation resolution and box size, requiring fewer slow and expensive simulations as it learns about the Pareto-optimal solutions from fast low-resolution runs. The techniques demonstrated here can easily be translated into many different computational and experimental use cases beyond accelerator optimization.