12–16 Jun 2023
Europe/Rome timezone


Here you can find a list of meeting-affiliated hotels, offering exclusive temporary deals with discounted rates for the participants.

Reservation must be made personally by the participants directly contacting the hotels. IMPORTANT: no online booking service provider will be accepted by the hotels for these deals.

Reservation code for participants is “DARKSIDE” and must be mentioned when booking the room in order to be included in the list of DARKSIDE meeting attendees.

Rooms will be available until each deadline listed below on “first come, first served” basis. Reservation will still be possible though after those dates, but availability of rooms will no longer be guaranteed.

You can also find below a list of other possible hotels in L'Aquila. IMPORTANT: please note that daily shuttle buses will pick up people from the meeting-affiliated hotels only.

Meeting-affiliated hotels

 Hotel Fiordigigli
Rates: double single use 95 euro, double room 115 euro
Services: breakfast, wifi, free outdoor parking, restaurant
Deal deadline: May 28, 2023
Address: Fonte Cerreto, Assergi (AQ)
Phone: +39 0862 606171
+39 348 3066259
Email: info@fiordigigli.com
Website: www.fiordigigli.com
Hotel Nido dell'Aquila
Rates: double single use 85 euro, double room 100 euro
Services: breakfast, wifi, free outdoor parking, restaurant (dinner only)
Deal deadline: May 10, 2023
Address: Fonte Cerreto, Assergi (AQ)
Phone: +39 0862 606840
Email: hotel@nidodellaquila.it
Website: www.nidodellaquila.it



Hotel Giampy
Rates: double single use 65 euro, double room 85 euro
Services: breakfast, wifi, free outdoor parking
Deal deadline:  May 10, 2023
Address: SS17 bis, Assergi (AQ)
Phone: +39 347 5865121
+39 0862 606625
Email: info@hotelgiampy.it
Website: hotelgiampy.octosite.net
 B&B Il Parco
Rates: double single use 80 euro, double room 100 euro
Services: breakfast, wifi, free outdoor parking
Deal deadline: May 30, 2023
Address: SS17 bis, Assergi (AQ)
Phone: +39 340 7121425
Email: ilparcoassergi@gmail.com


 Hotel La Valle del Gran Sasso
Rates: double single use 95 euro, double room 115 euro
Services: breakfast, wifi, free outdoor parking, restaurant
Deal deadline: May 10, 2023
Address: SS17 bis, Assergi (AQ)
Phone: + 39 0862 1911003
Email: lavalledelgransasso@gmail.com
Website: www.lavalledegransasso.it























Other hotels in L'Aquila 
(no agreement made)

Central-east side 

Hotel Federico II
Address: via Strinella 2 - L'Aquila
Phone: +39 0862 21191
Email: info@hotelfedericosecondo.it
Website: www.hotelfedericosecondo.it
Hotel L'Aquila
Address: via Simonetto 5A - L'Aquila
Phone: +39 0862 581237
Email: info@hotel-laquila.com
Website: www.hotel-laquila.com
Hotel San Michele
Address: via dei Giardini 6 - L'Aquila
Phone: +39 0862 420260
Email: info@stmichelehotel.it
Website: www.stmichelehotel.it
Hotel Magione Papale
Address: via Porta Napoli 67/1 - L’Aquila
Phone: +39 0862 414983
Email: info@magionepapale.it
Website: www.magionepapale.it
Hotel La Cascina del Viaggiatore
Address: strada 47 bis per Pianola - L’Aquila
Phone: +39 0862 65550
Email: info@lacascinadelviaggiatore.com

West side

Hotel Azzurro
Address: via Giovanni Di Vincenzo - L'Aquila
Phone: +39 0862 318054
Email: info@hotelazzurro.it
Website: www.hotelazzurro.it
Hotel Canadian
Address: SS 17, loc. Casermette - L'Aquila
Phone: +39 0862 317402
Email: canadian@canadianhotel.it
Website: www.canadianhotel.it
Hotel La Compagnia del Viaggiatore
Address: SS 80, n. 159 - L'Aquila
Phone: +39 0862 313627
Email: info@compagniadelviaggiatore.it
Website: www.compagniadelviaggiatore.it
Hotel My Suite
Address: SS 17 - L'Aquila
Phone: +39 0862 317402
Email: prenotazioni@mysuitehotel.it
Website: www.mysuitehotel.it
Hotel Porta Rivera
Address: p.le Caduti 8 dicembre 1943, n. 27 - L’Aquila
Phone: +39 0862 316120
Email: info@portariverahotel.it
Website: www.portariverahotel.it
Hotel 99 Cannelle
Address: via Borgo Rivera 21 - L’Aquila
Phone: +39 0862 401979
Email: info@hotel99cannelle.it
Website: www.hotel99cannelle.it