Oct 24 – 27, 2023
Università di Pisa - Dipartimento di Fisica
Europe/Rome timezone

GravityShapePisa: New Frontiers in Gravity Phenomenology


GravityShapePisa(GraSP) is the 2nd International Conference completely organized by Young Researchers which supports the active participation of Young Researchers.

The event is organized so as to provide balanced alternation of "Senior" and "Young" talk sessions on the field of the observative and theoretical Physics. This will give the opportunity to early-stage researchers, severely penalized by the pandemic, to spread their work, but also to experienced scientists to be aware about original research inputs coming from younger physicists.


GraSP 2023 will take place in the Physics Department “E. Fermi” of the University of Pisa.

The aim of the conference is to gather theoretical and observational researches from different international groups to discuss new challenges in gravity phenomenology at different curvature scales.

The event is spread over four days. On the first two days, frontiers of black hole physics will be the main topic. During the third day, multi-messenger astrophysics and the signatures of exotic compact objects will be covered. Finally, the fourth day will focus on future experiments inside the solar system, which will allow to test General Relativity against alternative gravity theories.

The event includes talks about new techniques to model, detect and recognise gravitational waves from binary systems and exotic objects, new possible tests of General Relativity against alternative gravity theories throughout new detectors and new challenges in experimental astrophysics via Einstein Telescope.

No FEE required.

Conference e-mail


Organizing committee contact information:


Matteo Della Rocca


Giuseppe Di Somma


Maria Antonietta Palaia


Lucia Papalini 


Franceso Tarantelli


Michele Vacatello 





















Università di Pisa - Dipartimento di Fisica
Aula Magna - Dipartimento di Fisica
Largo Bruno Pontecorvo 3, I-56127, Pisa, Italy
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