10–13 Sept 2024
Europe/Rome timezone

Baikov Package - A package for loop-by-loop Baikov Parametrization

12 Sept 2024, 16:10
Room B3

Room B3

Methods for amplitudes and integrals Methods for amplitudes and integrals


Hjalte Axel Frellesvig (Niels Bohr Institute, Uni of Copenhagen)


The Baikov representation of Feynman integrals, and in particular its loop-by-loop variant, has proven itself useful for a number of purposes. Specifically for generalized cuts, twisted cohomology, and the unveiling of geometric structures.
For that reason I have made a package implementing that parametrization. In my talk I will present the package, and discuss some strategies for how best to use it. I will also show a number of examples including a recent result from perturbative gravity.

Primary author

Hjalte Axel Frellesvig (Niels Bohr Institute, Uni of Copenhagen)

Presentation materials