Photo courtesy of Valerio Minato (Instagram/Facebook)
The Ninth International Workshop on High Precision for Hard Processes at the LHC (HP² 2024) will be held from 10th-13th September 2024 hosted by the University of Turin and INFN, at the Campus Luigi Einaudi, Turin, Italy.
This series of workshops is devoted to high-precision studies of hard scattering processes at hadron colliders. The main themes of these workshops are recent developments and new results in theoretical computations in quantum field theory and their applications to collider phenomenology. These topics are particularly relevant as the LHC experiments at CERN are now entering a new phase of precision measurements.
The conference will be dedicated to the memory of Stefano Catani.
- Precise predictions for Standard Model and Beyond the Standard Model phenomenology
- New mathematical techniques for amplitude calculations
- Automated tools for multi-leg amplitudes
- Status reports and implications of current LHC results
International Advisory Committee:
Charalampos Anastasiou (Zürich, ETH)
Stefan Dittmaier (Freiburg, UNIFREIBURG)
Daniel de Florian (Buenos Aires, ICAS-UNSAM)
Thomas Gehrmann (Zürich, UZH)
Massimiliano Grazzini (Zürich, UZH)
Gudrun Heinrich (Karlsruhe, KIT)
Stephen P. Jones (Durham, IPPP)
Zoltan Kunszt (Zürich, ETH)
Local Organising Committee:
Simon Badger (UniTo)
Raquel Gomez Ambrosio (UniTo)
Lorenzo Magnea (UniTo)
Paolo Torrielli (UniTo)
Sandro Uccirati (UniTo)
Leonardo Vernazza (INFN Torino)
Next HP2 workshops:
See you in Karlsruhe 2026!
Previous HP2 workshops:
2006: Zürich
2008: Buenos Aires
2010: Florence
2012: Munich
2014: Florence
2016: Buenos Aires
2018: Freiburg
2022: Durham