10–13 Sept 2024
Europe/Rome timezone

Two-loop amplitude reduction in the HELAC framework

12 Sept 2024, 14:30
Room B3

Room B3

Methods for amplitudes and integrals Methods for amplitudes and integrals


Aris Spourdalakis (NSCR Demokritos)


I will present recent progress in constructing a generic two-loop amplitude reduction algorithm within the computational framework of HELAC. Following the well-known OPP reduction approach at one loop, a two loop amplitude approach is developed. I will also discuss the differences between the 4-2ε and pure 4 dimensional reduction fitting as well as the implications on the so-called rational terms which incorporate the mismatch between 4 and D = 4-2ε dimensions.

Primary author

Aris Spourdalakis (NSCR Demokritos)


Dr Costas Papadopoulos (NSCR Demokritos) Dhimiter Canko (University of Bologna and INFN) Giuseppe Bevilacqua (NCSR "Demokritos")

Presentation materials