10–13 Sept 2024
Europe/Rome timezone

Yukawa- and Higgs self-coupling corrections to di-Higgs production

10 Sept 2024, 14:30
Room C2

Room C2

Electroweak and Higgs Physics, EFT and BSM Electroweak and Higgs Physics, EFT and BSM


Augustin Vestner (KIT ITP)


The upcoming HL-LHC phase gives hope to tighten the experimental
constraints on one of the core parameters of the SM: the Higgs
self-coupling. The most prolific process to consider in this context is
double Higgs boson production. Theoretical higher order calculations,
both QCD and electro-weak, are required to match the experimental precision.

In this talk we present our calculation of electro-weak NLO
contributions comprising Yukawa-type and Higgs self-coupling corrections
at two-loop level.

Primary authors

Mrs Gudrun Heinrich (KIT ITP) Mr Stephen Jones (IPPP) Mr Matthias Kerner (KIT ITP) Mr Tom Stone (IPPP) Augustin Vestner (KIT ITP)

Presentation materials