10–13 Sept 2024
Europe/Rome timezone

Factorization and resummation for sequential recombination jet cross sections

12 Sept 2024, 14:55
Room C1

Room C1

Resummation, Parton Showers and Monte-Carlo Resummation, Parton Showers and Monte-Carlo


Jürg Haag (UZH)


We extend the class of factorization theorems for non-global observables from fixed angular constraints to cross sections defined in terms of sequential jet clustering. The associated hard and soft functions depend not only on the directions of the hard partons, but also on their energy fractions. We derive the one-loop anomalous dimension of the hard functions that drives the leading-logarithmic resummation. The anomalous dimension imposes energy ordering, which simplifies the clustering sequence. We perform resummations for gap-between-jet observables defined with different jet algorithms and explain the effects of the clustering on the importance of secondary emissions and on the effective gap size.

Primary authors

Jürg Haag (UZH) Thomas Becher (University of Bern)

Presentation materials