10–13 Sept 2024
Europe/Rome timezone

NLO corrections to tri-boson production in the WZjj channel

12 Sept 2024, 11:25
Room C2

Room C2

Electroweak and Higgs Physics, EFT and BSM Electroweak and Higgs Physics, EFT and BSM


Daniele Lombardi (Universität Würzburg)


Tri-boson production, together with vector-boson scattering and Higgs-strahlung, is a privileged channel to study the EW structure of the Standard Model. Upcoming LHC running stages will soon allow to measure them at unprecedented accuracy and for all possible final states, which requires to push theory predictions to still unexplored frontiers.
In this talk I will present the first calculation for the process pp → μ+μ−e+νe j j at the LHC in a tri-boson phase space. All LO contributions have been accounted for, namely the O(α^6), which contains the genuine tri-boson signature, and the O(αs α^5) and O(αs^2 α^4), together with the two O(α^7) and O(αs α^6) NLO corrections. After having discussed some technical aspects of the computation, I will show some phenomenologically relevant results for the integrated and differential cross-sections.

Primary author

Daniele Lombardi (Universität Würzburg)

Presentation materials