One of the requirements of the front-end electronics in the HK experiment is that it must be designed to be placed inside the water vessels due to the detector size, which amounts to a total of ~40,000 inside photo-sensors. Otherwise, the cables connecting to the roof would be too heavy and long, which would cause a reduction in signal amplitude and quality degradation. This solution poses...
Supernova neutrinos have enormous importance for ongoing research in astrophysics, nuclear and particle physics. However, existing simulations of this complex event, although increasingly sophisticated, still do not guarantee with sufficient confidence a reliable description of the emission. In this situation, it seems important to study as accurately as possible the only such event observed...
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, DUNE, is a next-generation, long-baseline, neutrino experiment, and flagship project for the U.S. It is poised to perform some of the most precise measurements of the properties of neutrinos in order to elucidate their role in the outstanding matter-antimatter asymmetry. DUNE will make use of the world’s most intense neutrino beams produced by the...
The Super-Kamiokande (SK) and the Kamioka Liquid-scintillator Antineutrino Detector (KamLAND) experiments are neutrino observatories located in the Kamioka mine in Japan. A pre-supernova (preSN) alarm has been launched by SK in 2021, aimed at detecting neutrinos produced during the silicon-burning phase of massive stars before a core-collapse supernova (CCSN) occurs. Since 2015, KamLAND has...
In the context of two flavour neutrino oscillations, it is understood that the 2×2 mixing matrix is parameterized by one angle and a Majorana phase. However, this phase does not impact the oscillation probabilities in vacuum or in matter with constant density. Interestingly, the Majorana phase becomes relevant when we describe neutrino oscillations along with neutrino decay. This is due to the...
Future neutrino experiments and rare event searches require exceptionally large detectors with high granularity. I will discuss LArPix, which provides an integrated detector system (amplification, triggering, digitization, and multiplexed readout) that has been designed to scale in excess of 10$^{6}$ channels. Results from the production of 0.5 million LArPix channels and performance in a...
The Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events (CUORE) is the first bolometric experiment searching for 0νββ decay that has successfully reached the one-tonne mass scale. The detector, located at the LNGS in Italy, consists of an array of 988 TeO2 crystals arranged in a compact cylindrical structure of 19 towers. CUORE began its first physics data run in 2017 at a base temperature of...
The Hyper-Kamiokande (HK) is the next-generation long baseline neutrino experiment currently being constructed in Japan. It will have two underground water-Cherenkov detectors - the 260 kt far detector and approx. 1 kt intermediate detector (IWCD). The Water Cherenkov Test Experiment (WCTE) at CERN will evaluate different technologies and methodologies used in water Cherenkov detectors. It...
Primordial black holes are hypothetical Black Holes generated in the first instants of the Universe life. Focusing on Primordial Black Hole masses in the range [$5\times 10^{14}$ − $5\times 10^{15}$] g, we point out that the neutrinos emitted by PBHs evaporation can interact through the coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering producing an observable signal in multi-ton Dark Matter direct...
We would like to report on the recent results on proton decay searches in Super-Kamiokande (SK). We will cover the updated results since NNN19 using the pure water detector phase data, including the flagship modes: $p→e^+π^0$, $p→μ^+π^0$, and $p→ν ̅K^+$.
There are many theories which predict different nucleon decay modes, and therefore it is important to experimentally search for various...
DarkSide-20k (DS-20k) will explore the dark matter WIMP hypothesis with a dual-phase time projection chamber detector filled with 50 tonnes of low-radioactivity liquid argon extracted from underground sources. Besides the primary physics goal of DS-20k, the low-energy threshold ( ~1 keV) of the detector will allow it to observe neutrinos from core-collapse supernovae (CCSN) via coherent...
SNO+ is a multipurpose liquid scintillator detector located at SNOLAB in Canada. The primary focus is to search for neutrino-less double beta decay of 130Te but, prior to isotope loading the experiment has been operated with a pure water, and now a pure liquid scintillator target. This poster will present the current status and performance of the experiment and recent results including first...
T2K has successfully developed a beam Monte Carlo simulation called Jnubeam for the neutrino flux prediction in both near and far detectors, which are essential for neutrino oscillation and cross section analyses. Jnubeam is based on the no longer maintained GEANT3 package, which is difficult to support. The current simulation also uses the software FLUKA to simulate the hadronic production...
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is an international project for neutrino physics and proton decay searches, currently in the design and construction stages. When built, the world's most intense neutrino beam will cross the two detectors composing DUNE. The near detector, placed close to the beginning of the beam line located at Fermilab, will measure the un-oscillated neutrino...
Hyper-Kamiokande (HK) is the successor of the Super-Kamiokande (SK) experiment; HK has a world class physics programme including accelerator neutrino beam as well as search for proton decays and neutrino from sun, atmosphere and astrophysical sources. HK will be using the same 295 km baseline as T2K (Tokai2Kamioka) but with a larger Far Detector (FD) fiducial mass than SK and a higher beam...
The Water-Cherenkov Test Experiment (WCTE) is a prototype water Cherenkov detector which will be placed in the T9 beam area at CERN, operated with a low momentum (200-1200 MeV/c) $\pi^{\pm}$, $\mu^{\pm}$, $e^{\pm}$ and $p^{+}$ particle flux. The main purpose of this experiment is to prove the new technologies that are being developed for the next-generation water-Cherenkov experiments,...