This workshop wants to honor the memory and the scientific legacy of Luciano Girardello (1937-2022), gathering together his friends, collaborators and colleagues and all those who had the pleasure and fortune of knowing him. The memorial will be held in the University of Milano-Bicocca where Luciano spent the last few years of his career.
The meeting will consists of a series of seminars of close collaborators of Luciano, highlighting his scientific career and achievements, followed by a series of more specialistic talks by friends and colleagues that knew him well. We plan to conclude with a session of more personal memories and recollections. Zoom seminars will be organized for people that cannot travel. There will be a dinner in the evening of monday 16th of January.
A preliminary list of people who have already accepted to contribute include: Sergio Cecotti (zoom), Paolo Di Vecchia, Pietro Frè, Elias Kiritsis (zoom), Jean Iliopoulos, Massimo Porrati, Peter van Nieuwenhuizen (zoom), Antonie Van Proeyen, Edward Witten (zoom) for the general talks and memories, and Riccardo Argurio, Alberto Mariotti, Federico Piazza, Riccardo Rattazzi for the specialistic talks.
If you have not registered yet and you want to participate in person or on zoom, please let us know by writing to this address. A zoom link will be circulated few days in advance.
If you have registered or contacted us, you should have received by now the zoom link by e-mail. If not, write to us.
The organizers: Antonio Amariti, Camillo Imbimbo, Michela Petrini, Massimo Porrati, Antoine Van Proeyen, Alberto Zaffaroni