Sep 26 – 28, 2023
Europe/Rome timezone

DMNet International Symposium   


The JSPS Core-to-Core Program “International Research Network to Reveal Dark Matter in the Universe by Multidisciplinary Approach in Particle and Astrophysics” (DMNet) started in 2020.

The 3rd DMNet international symposium is organized by the INFN-Padova Unit and the Department of Physics and Astronomy "Galileo Galilei"of the Padova University, it will be held at Palazzo Moroni, Padova, Italy from September 26th to 28th, 2023.  

The topics in the 3rd DMNet international symposium are dark matter studies in accelerator physics.  In the 2nd DMNet international symposium, we focused on the direct and indirect detection of dark matter. The direct production of dark matter particles with accelerators is a method to reveal the nature of dark matter, complemental to the direct and indirect detection of dark matter. It might be ultimate since we may reveal the underlying particle physics model with accelerators in addition to the nature of dark matter.

The following topics we will focus of this symposium:

  • Latest dark matter and BSM searches at the LHC and the Belle-II
  • Prospects of dark matter and BSM searches in future experiments with accelerators including fixed target experiments
  • Particle physics models of dark matter
  • Latest results of direct and indirect detection of dark matter, complemental to the accelerator physics, and the impact on the dark matter models
Sala Livio Paladin, Palazzo Moroni
Via del Municipio, 1, 35122 Padova PD
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