26–28 set 2023
Europe/Rome fuso orario

Call for abstract

  • Giorno di apertura
  • Scadenza invio candidature

Call for abstracts for poster session (deadline: September 4th, 2023)

Though talks at the symposium are assigned by invitation only, we will
have a poster session. The topics are not limited to dark matter, but
also to the related subjects.

To submit an abstract it is required to have an INFN Indico account. If not, please create your personal account by following the link "External Users" available on the Submission Form. The abstract form limits your abstract to 200 words. Please fill in the form concerning your abstract submission in all required fields.

Accepted posters should be in portrait format, dimension 80x120 carried to the Workshop venue already printed.

La call for abstract è chiusa.