24–25 ott 2022
University of Ferrara
Europe/Rome fuso orario

Travel to Ferrara

By plane


Bologna airport “Guglielmo Maroni” is about 40 km far from Ferrara.
The shuttle bus service bus&fly directly connects Ferrara to the Bologna airport.
A second option would be reaching the Bologna railway station by taking the marconi express from the airport and then taking a direct train to Ferrara. 

For further information please visit: www.bologna-airport.it


Venice airport “Marco Polo” is about 120 km from Ferrara.
The airport is connected to the nearby railway stations of Venice-Santa Lucia and Mestre-Venice by scheduled bus services:

  • Bus connections from the Venice-Santa Lucia railway station to the airport:
      Every day fast connection (twenty-minute drive) from Marco Polo Airport to Venice (Piazzale Roma).
      From Piazzale Roma Square you have to reach the Venice-Santa Lucia railway station: 10 minutes on foot crossing the "Ponte Degli Scalzi" bridge.
    2. Autobus urbano ACTV
  • Bus connections from the Mestre-Venice railway station to the airport:
    1. Linea ATVO FLY BUS 
      Every day fast connection (twenty-minute drive) from/to Marco Polo Airport with Mestre railway station.
    2. Autobus urbano ACTV

From Santa Lucia railway station or Mestre railway station there are direct train connections to Ferrara (Venezia / Bologna line). 

For further information please visit: www.veniceairport.it


Verona airport “Valerio Catullo” is about 100 km far from Ferrara. 
shuttle bus directly connects the Verona Porta Nuova railway station to the airport. 
From Verona Porta Nuova railway station there are no direct connections to Ferrara: the easiest way is to take a train to Padova and then a second train from Padova to Ferrara.  

For further information please visit: www.aeroportoverona.it


Treviso airport "Antonio Canova" is about 120 km far from Ferrara.
A shuttle bus directly connects the Mestre railway station to the airport. 
From Mestre railway station there is a direct train connection to Ferrara (Venezia / Bologna line). 

For further information please visit: www.trevisoairport.it


Florence airport “Amerigo Vespucci” is about 150 km far from Ferrara.
shuttle bus directly connects the Santa Maria Novella railway station to the airport.
From Santa Maria Novella railway station there is a direct train connection to Ferrara (Rome / Venice line).

For further information please visit: www.aeroporto.firenze.it

By train

Information on train schedules at www.trenitalia.it for regional and high-speed trains.
Additional high speed train routes can be found at www.italotreno.it

By bus

For some departure locations there can be bus routes.
For more information please visit: http://www.ibus.it/ or https://www.flixbus.it/

By car

Motorway A13 - Bologna - Padova; exit: Ferrara Nord