24–25 ott 2022
University of Ferrara
Europe/Rome fuso orario

The Fall 2022 JUNO European-American collaboration meeting will be held in Ferrara, 24 - 25 October 2022. 

Two JUNO satellite meetings will be organised after the JUNO EU-AM Meeting:

The meetings will take place at the Auditorium del Rettorato, via Ariosto 35 - 44121 Ferrara (Italy).


Organizing Committee:

Andrea Maino: maino@fe.infn.it
Fabio Mantovani: mantovani@fe.infn.it
Michele Montuschi: montuschi@fe.infn.it
Barbara Ricci: ricci@fe.infn.it
Virginia Strati: strati@fe.infn.it

University of Ferrara
Aula Magna del Rettorato
Via Ariosto, 35 - 44121 Ferrara
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